Industry News
Industry News
August 7, 2023

Exeter Hospital Achieves Savings Over $36K on Implantable Infusion Port Product and Contract Conversion

Savings Solution Exeter Hospital, a 100-bed full service community hospital, is a long-time user of the Yankee Alliance SUPPLYview Program. Through the program, we identified a significant savings opportunity on Implantable Infusion Ports, a physician preference item.

To get started, Yankee Alliance provided Exeter Hospital with insight into the savings opportunity that existed for them. Yankee Alliance recommended the hospital initiate a product conversion on Implantable Infusion Ports by first evaluating a comparable product. For the product evaluation, we worked with an engaged team which included the hospital’s infusion staff, oncology staff, surgeons, surgical techs, OR registered nurses and supplier representative. The team concluded the comparable product was clinically equivalent to their existing product and collectively decided to implement a conversion to a lower cost product.

Challenges and Results Following a complete conversion, the hospital had an excessive amount of shelf stock of their incumbent port, which lead to a longer timeline to burn off left-over stock. As a result of the savings opportunity revealed through the SUPPLYview Program, the hospital increased savings by 47%, a total of $36,000 on a product and contract conversion.

If you could benefit from this success, please contact your Yankee Alliance Account Manager for questions or more information. To learn how your hospital can benefit from the Yankee Alliance SUPPLYview Program, contact us at

Savings Solution Exeter Hospital, a 100-bed full service community hospital, is a long-time user of the Yankee Alliance SUPPLYview Program. Through the program, we identified a significant savings opportunity on Implantable Infusion Ports, a physician preference item.

To get started, Yankee Alliance provided Exeter Hospital with insight into the savings opportunity that existed for them. Yankee Alliance recommended the hospital initiate a product conversion on Implantable Infusion Ports by first evaluating a comparable product. For the product evaluation, we worked with an engaged team which included the hospital’s infusion staff, oncology staff, surgeons, surgical techs, OR registered nurses and supplier representative. The team concluded the comparable product was clinically equivalent to their existing product and collectively decided to implement a conversion to a lower cost product.

Challenges and Results Following a complete conversion, the hospital had an excessive amount of shelf stock of their incumbent port, which lead to a longer timeline to burn off left-over stock. As a result of the savings opportunity revealed through the SUPPLYview Program, the hospital increased savings by 47%, a total of $36,000 on a product and contract conversion.

If you could benefit from this success, please contact your Yankee Alliance Account Manager for questions or more information. To learn how your hospital can benefit from the Yankee Alliance SUPPLYview Program, contact us at

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