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Industry News
July 30, 2013

Jim Oliver CEO of Yankee Alliance guest author of Executive Insight article

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 31, 2013; Andover, MA

In the July issue of Executive Insight (Volume 4, Number 7), Yankee Alliance’s CEO, Jim Oliver shares his insight on setting up an effective supply chain program with the magazine’s readers. 


Within the article, Jim discusses the unique qualities needed in the supply chain leader. He says, “The supply chain program should be centered on a strong leader with solid connections throughout the hospital.” 


He also discusses challenges facing hospital CEOs and how to overcome them by setting up the right teams and departmental support to create a successful supply chain program that focuses on savings from commodity items and through successful value analysis teams.


Within the article he reviews a model hospitals can follow to set up a successful supply chain program that begins with a few steps:


1. Finding the right supply chain leader for the organization

2. Ensuring that leader has executive and department support

3. Prioritizing savings and using tools (like Yankee Alliance’s SUPPLYview™) to help identify savings and how to achieve them


Please click here to view the complete article, or here to review this month’s issue of Executive Insight.

For more information please contact; Amy Campbell, Senior Vice President, Administration, Yankee Alliance, (978) 470-2000 or at


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 31, 2013; Andover, MA

In the July issue of Executive Insight (Volume 4, Number 7), Yankee Alliance’s CEO, Jim Oliver shares his insight on setting up an effective supply chain program with the magazine’s readers. 


Within the article, Jim discusses the unique qualities needed in the supply chain leader. He says, “The supply chain program should be centered on a strong leader with solid connections throughout the hospital.” 


He also discusses challenges facing hospital CEOs and how to overcome them by setting up the right teams and departmental support to create a successful supply chain program that focuses on savings from commodity items and through successful value analysis teams.


Within the article he reviews a model hospitals can follow to set up a successful supply chain program that begins with a few steps:


1. Finding the right supply chain leader for the organization

2. Ensuring that leader has executive and department support

3. Prioritizing savings and using tools (like Yankee Alliance’s SUPPLYview™) to help identify savings and how to achieve them


Please click here to view the complete article, or here to review this month’s issue of Executive Insight.

For more information please contact; Amy Campbell, Senior Vice President, Administration, Yankee Alliance, (978) 470-2000 or at


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